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We are constantly releasing new features, fixing bugs, and improving things. Fortunately, upgrading to the latest version is easy.

Native setup

In case you are using Jesse on a native setup, upgrading is done via PIP:

pip install -U jesse


Sometimes pip doesn't upgrade to the latest version on the first time running the above command. To make sure you're running the latest release, check out the latest version number on PyPi, and then make sure you see that version in pip show jesse output.

Docker setup

If you are using Jesse via Docker, while inside the docker directory, run the below commands:

# in case the containers are still running:
docker-compose stop
# to fetch the latest version
docker-compose pull
# to start the containers again with the latest version
docker-compose up -d

Live Trade Plugin

If you installed the plugin using the Docker setup, then updating Jesse itself as mentioned above will also update the plugin.

If you installed the plugin via a native setup, first delete the already installed version, and then reinstall it using the below command:

# delete the already installed version
pip uninstall jesse-live -y
# install the latest version
jesse install-live

We do NOT guarantee profitable trading results in anyways. USE THE SOFTWARE AT YOUR OWN RISK. THE AUTHORS AND ALL AFFILIATES ASSUME NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR TRADING RESULTS. Do not risk money which you are afraid to lose. There might be bugs in the code - this software DOES NOT come with ANY warranty. All investments carry risk! Past performance is no guarantee of future results! Be aware of overfitting!